Monday, October 1, 2012

The Creative Spark

We are all born with creativity as part of how we express ourselves. Remember finger paints and sparkle and glue? Some, like artists, musicians, performers, and innovators nurture that spark into their vocation or avocation. For some of us, we can sometimes find little time for creativity and self-expression amidst our busy lives. However, we should and can find time for it, to explore and tinker and enjoy!
Here are some ideas.

 If there is something that always has interested you, find a class or club. My great-aunt turned 100 in March. She started painting in her mid-60's. She has since exhibited in galleries, gone on painting trips and created block prints and pine-needle baskets. I believe her interests have kept her interested in life ... Start today!

This is your creative side, the innovator. I enjoy taking Zumba and U-Jam classes because I can dance and exercise at the same time. During Halloween, dress up! It is the time of year when our society encourages raising awareness about lowering self-consciousness.

BRAINSTORM: Napolean Hill called this Masterminding. His advice was to associate with like-minded people to gain momentum and help propel each other to your individual goals. Two heads are better than one!
Ray Bradbury (a favorite author) said: "Don't think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It's self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can't try to do things. You simply must do things."

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