Thursday, July 18, 2013

How Do YOU Solve a Problem...

Rodgers & Hammerstein addressed that question often in their musicals and sometimes concluded  “It’s a Puzzlement”! OK, I’m dating myself a bit but I am sure modern songwriters like Taylor Swift are addressing that same question... 

One answer is to follow a system, a gameplan, a strategy that someone else has already figured out. Since the dawn of man, we have known there is no point in reinventing the wheel. As far as complex puzzles, I cannot imagine anything as puzzling as a Rubik’s Cube. If you try to solve it, you might, like me, just fumble around a bit until we get a few colors lined up only to find the back side a complete mess... Wouldn’t take me long to give up in frustration... Sound familiar?

However, if you know the “secret”, then it’s a piece of cake. Know what the world record for solving the Cube is? I Googled it... it’s 5.55 seconds!! Holy smokes!! (Check out the video below - won’t take long to watch!) And if that wasn’t amazing enough, there are records for doing it blindfolded (memorizing the original state), doing it one-handed and with no hands, just  feet... really! CLICK HERE for a list (and other videos)

What’s the point? Don’t reinvent the wheel! I found a video of the “5 SIMPLE moves to EASILY solve the Rubik’s Cube”... So not matter what problem you are trying to solve, don’t give up!! There is more than likely a class, book or app for that!! 

If technology is one of your puzzlements, visit We are helping businesses and 
individuals get a handle on technology... one muggle at a time!

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